Who's the cleverest, sheep or lion?
A somali story by
means of sabrin hassan
A totally long term ago, there was a crafty
lion and a smart sheep. One day, the clever sheep become eating a few grass in
a clearing along with his pal while the cunning lion got here creeping
throughout the fields closer to them. When the lion got here out of the tall
grass the sheep organized to run due to the fact they have been frightened of
his sharp claws and his huge enamel. ‘you do now not want to run away,’ said
the lion in a friendly voice. ‘i'm without a doubt here to inform you
approximately a cute fresh water lake just past those fields. Why don’t you
come with me and feature a drink.’
The clever sheep knew better than to accept
as true with the lion, but his pal was very thirsty and so agreed to go for a
drink with the lion. The smart sheep warned his friend but the buddy did now
not concentrate.
And so the lion lured the sheep into the tall
grass with the promise of fresh water.
Later that day, while his pal did no longer
go back to the herd, the clever sheep become sure that the crafty lion had
eaten him. ‘that is ten sheep this month,’ he thought to himself. ‘i ought to
do something to forestall the cunning lion earlier than i lose all of my
And so the clever sheep warned the relaxation
of the herd approximately the crafty lion and his tricks. However the stupid
sheep did no longer listen, and as the weeks and months handed, the cunning
lion lured more and more sheep into the tall grass with the promise of fresh
water. And it was there that they met their grizzly give up.
In the future, the smart sheep decided that
it turned into right down to him to do something about the crafty lion and his
depraved ways.
The clever sheep waited till dusk after which
crept out into the clearing subsequent to the long grass. Whilst he changed
into positive that he become alone, he commenced to dig a very deep hole in the
ground. When this become achieved, he constructed a large fire at the lowest of
the hollow then blanketed the hollow over with reeds and grass in order that
the smoke might be hidden from view.
The smart sheep waited patiently until
sunrise, and just as the sun turned into growing over the fields he heard a
familiar voice coming from the tall grass.
‘why don’t you come back with me, little
sheep. I recognize of a sparkling water lake simply beyond the fields wherein
you may experience a groovy drink of water.’
The smart sheep did not move from his spot.
As an alternative, the sheep said, ‘why don’t you come out of the tall grass
and i can show you in which you can discover plenty of sheep to devour.’
The lion become indeed very cunning, but he
changed into also very greedy and could not withstand the temptation of the
sort of large dinner.
‘include me,’ said the sheep all over again,
‘and i can show you in which the herd lives.’
But as quickly as he stepped from the grass,
he fell down into the deep hollow and burned in the roaring fireplace set by
means of the smart sheep.
‘this is the give up of you and your depraved
approaches,’ concept the clever sheep to himself. ‘now us sheep might be safe,
for a while as a minimum.’
Whilst the smart sheep back home he
instructed the rest of the herd approximately his victory over the lion. All of
them cheered and congratulated their pal, and they all requested how he became
able to kill the crafty lion while the beast become so huge and strong but he
was so small and fragile.
‘it turned into simple,’ replied the clever
sheep, ‘all i did became watch and research from the errors of others.’
The clever sheep then went directly to
explain how he had watched the cunning lion entice his buddies into the fields,
and he additionally defined that this changed into how he had discovered of the
lion’s grasping nature.
The rest of the herd listened intently to the
clever sheep and so that they too learned by no means to believe the lions
again, and they also discovered how essential is was to pay attention to good
advice given with the aid of a friend.
Who's the cleverest, sheep or lion?
Reviewed by Home Made niche
August 03, 2018

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